Đề thi học sinh giỏi tỉnh Cà Mau lớp 12 năm 2010 môn Tiếng Anh Sở GD&ĐT Cà Mau



NĂM HỌC 2009-2010


(Thời gian làm bài 180 phút không kể thời gian giao đề)
Ngày thi: 20/12/2009


PART I: (1.5 pts) Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Circle A, B, C or D to indicate your answers.

1. She had to hand in her notice ______ advance when she decided to leave her job.
A. in B. from C. with D. to

2. The old lady’s savings were considerable as she had _____ a little money every week.
A. put in B. put by C. put down D. put apart

3. The forecast has revealed that the world’s reserves of fossil fuel will have _____ by 2015.
A. run out B. taken over C. caught up D. used off

4. “Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ______?”
A. do you B. don’t you C. can’t you D. will you

5. Mary: “Your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!”
Helen: “_________”
A. It’s up to you B. Thanks, I bought it at Macy’s
C. I’d rather not D. You can say that again

6. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop _______ excuses!”
A. talking B. doing C. having D. making

7. _ “Should we bring a lot of money on the trip?”
_ “Yes. ______ we decide to stay longer.”
A. So that B. Because C. In case D. Though

8. We couldn’t fly ______ because all the tickets had been sold out.
A. economics B. economy C. economical D. economic

9. He ______ to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play instead.
A. must have gone B. couldn’t go
C. didn’t have to go D. should have gone

10. There was nothing they could do _______ leave the car at the roadside where it had broken down.
A. unless B. instead of C. than D. but

PART II: (1.0 pt) Find ONE mistake in each sentence. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate your answers.

1. The media have (A) produced live covering (B) of Michael Jackson’s fans around the world (C) mourning for him (D)

2. Found (A) in the 12th century, Oxford University ranks (B) among (C) the world’s oldest universities (D).

3. Although (A) smokers are aware (B) that smoking is harmful to (C) their health, they can’t get rid it (D).

4. However small (A), the sitting room (B) is well designed (C) and nicel (D)y decorated.

5. Educated in the UK (A), his qualifications are (B) widely recognized (C) in the world of professionals (D).

PART III: (1.5 pts) Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaces provided. (0) has been done as an example.


Wildlife (0 - PAINT)_____ had always been a hobby for Mark Chester, but when he lost his job, he took the (1 - DECIDE )______ to turn it into a full- time career. Mark had obtained his (2 - PROFESSION)______ qualifications in the fields of (3 - PHOTOGRAPH)_________ and advertising and felt that these skills would be useful in his new life. He had sold his work before, and was (4 - REASON)_____ confident that he could earn enough to live on.

Mark discovered that he would be able to receive an (5 - ALLOW)_____ from a government (6 - AGENT)_____________ to help him set up his business. They also provided him with (7 - USE)___________ information on how to run his affairs. As (8 - SELL)___________of his work increased, Mark realised that he could not paint enough (9 - ORIGIN)_________pictures to keep up with demand, so he is now trying to interest a (10 - PUBLISH)________________ in producing prints of his work. Meanwhile, Mark has started making prints of his own.

PART IV: (1.0 pt) Fill in each blank with a suitable PREPOSITION. Write your answers in the numbered blanks provided below the passage

Reginald Andrews, 29, was standing (1)______ the subway platform (2)______ 14th street, waiting (3)_________ the train to take him back (4)________ his flat (5)_______ Harlem. He was worried (6)________ being (7)_______ of work. He had been unemployed (8)_______ a year, and he owed a lot of money (9)_____ the bank. But he had an interview that morning (10)______ Jamac Frozen Foods in Manhattan, and he was hoping they would offer him a job.

PART V: (1.0 pt) Insert A, AN, THE or Ø (zero article) where necessary. Write your answers in the numbered spaces provided under the passage.

(1)____ whales live in (2)_____ sea and are being hunted to extinction. (3)______ men who hunt them for (4)_____ money will lose their jobs when all (5)_____ whales are dead. Then (6)____ sea will die because (7)_____ whales live on (8)_____ plankton, (9)_____ little creatures will grow too many and (10)_______ sea will not to be clean and clear.

PART VI: (1.5 pts) Supply the correct form of the VERBS in the brackets to complete the passage. Write your answers in the space provided under this passage.

In the relative short span of twenty-five years there has been an incredible evolution in the size and capabilities of computers. Today, computers smaller than the tip of your fingernail (1. have) the same capacities as room-sized machines of twenty years ago. The first computers (2. develop) around 1945. They were so large that they (3. require) special air-conditioned rooms. About twenty years later, in 1960s, desk-sized computers were developed. This (4. represent) a gigantic advance. Before the end of the same decade, however, the third generation of computers, which (5. use) simple integrated circuits and which (6. be) even smaller and faster, (7. appear) . In 1971, the first microprocessor, less than one square centimeters in size, (8. develop) . Today, electronic engineers (9. predict) that even smaller and more sophisticated computers (10. be) on the market before the end of this decade.


PART I: (1.5 pts) Fill each blank with one suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided under this passage.

From a close study of history you would never gain the impression that ____(1)_____ behaviour is dictated by intelligence, ____(2)_____ by responsible morality. An observer from ____(3)___ planet, devoid ____(4)_____ instincts himself and unaware of the way in which instincts, the aggressive instinct in particular operate ____(5)_____ us, would be at a complete ___(6)______ to explain history at ____(7)____ . The phenomena of history do _____(8)______ have reasonable causes. It is a mere commonplace ____(9)_____ say that they are caused by that common parlance so aptly _____(10)_____ “ human nature”

PART II: (2.0 pts) Read the following passage and circle the answer which is most accurate according to the information given in the passage.

Some time ago, scientists began experiments to find out (1)_________ it would be possible to set up a “village” under the sea. A special room was built and lowered (2)_________ the water of Port Sudan in the Red Sea. For 29 days, five men lived (3)_________ a depth of 40 feet. At a (4)_________ lower level, another two divers stayed for a week in a smaller “house”. On the returning to the surface, the men said that they had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had (5)_________ many interesting scientific observations. The captain of the party, Commander Cousteau, spoke of the possibility of (6)_________ the seabed. He said that some permanent stations were to be set up under the sea, and some undersea farms would provide food for the growing population of the world.

The divers in both “houses” spent most of their time (7)_________ the bottom of the sea. On four occasions, they went down to 360 feet and observed many extraordinary (8)_________ of the marine life, some of which had never been seen before. During their stay, Commander Cousteau and his divers reached a depth of 1,000 feet and witnessed a gathering of an immense (9)_________ of crabs which numbered, perhaps, hundreds of millions. They also found out that it was (10)_________ to move rapidly in the water in a special vessel known as a “diving saucer”.

1/ A. which B. what C. how D. whether

2/ A. underneath B. into C. down D. below

3/ A. in B. at C. on D. from

4/ A. any B. more C. much D. some

5/ A. made B. exercised C. caught D. done

6/ A. implanting B. transplanting C. growing D. cultivating

7/ A. inquiring B. exploring C. imploring D. enquiring

8/ A. systems B. forms C. breeds D. castes

9/ A. pack B. herd C. school D. flock

10/ A. able B. possible C. hardly D. capable

PART III: (1.5 pts) Read the following passage and circle the answers A, B, C or D which is most accurate according to the information given in the passage.

Sometimes you know things about people the first time you see them, for example. That you want to be friends with them or that you don’t trust them. But perhaps this of intuition isn’t as hard to explain as it may seem. For instance, people give out body language signals all the time. The way you hold your body, head and arms tells people about your mood. If you hold your arms tightly at your sides, or fold them across your chest, people will generally feel that you are being defensive. Holding your head to one side shows interest in the other, while an easy, open posture indicates that you are self-confident. All this affects the way you feel about someone.

Also, a stranger may remind you of meeting with someone. This may be because of something as simple as the fact that he or she is physically similar to someone who treated you well or badly. Your feelings about a stranger could be influenced by the smell in the air that brings to mind a place where you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you may never realize it is happening.

1. What does the word “open” in the passage most closely means?
A. Unrestrained B. Relaxed
C. Confined D. Unlimited

2. What influences your impression of the person you meet the first time?
A. Intuition B. Familiarity
C. Knowledge D. Feeling

3. What one feels about a stranger may be influenced by something that _______.
A. strengthens one’s past behaviours
B. remind one of one’s past treatment
C. revives one’s past memories
D. points to one’s childhood

4. What does the second paragraph discuss?
A. Meanings of signals one implies towards a stranger.
B. Factors that may influence one’s feelings about a stranger.
C. How people usually behave to a stranger.
D. Factors that cause people to act differently.

5. Intuition described in the passage can be explained by means of _______.
A. styles B. languages
C. patterns D. behaviours

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