Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 3: Language Focus 1 Soạn Anh 9 trang 33 sách Chân trời sáng tạo

Giải Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 3: Language Focus giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 trả lời các câu hỏi tiếng Anh bài Our surroundings trang 33 sách Chân trời sáng tạo trước khi đến lớp.

Soạn Language Focus Unit 3 lớp 9 được biên soạn bám sát theo chương trình SGK Friends Plus Student Book. Qua đó giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức, dễ dàng làm bài tập về nhà và học tốt tiếng Anh 9. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết bài Soạn Anh 9 Unit 3 Language Focus trang 33 mời các bạn cùng theo dõi và tải tài liệu tại đây.

Giải Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 3: Language Focus 1

Bài 1

1. Study the sentences a-d. Then choose the correct options to complete the rules.

a. Companies pay them a lot of money to advertise products because they are like internet celebrities.

b. Companies want to reach young customers as they spend a lot and they stick with the brands they like.

c. A clothes retailer gives lots of their products to influencers since they hope the influencers will wear or just mention their stuff online.

d. Marketing companies give me a product because of my popularity on social media.

RULES (Quy tắc)

1. We use a clause / noun phrase after because / as / since to indicate the reason for an action or event.

2. We use a clause / noun phrase after because of to indicate the cause of something.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. clause

2. noun phrase

1. We use a clause after because / as / since to indicate the reason for an action or event.

2. We use a noun phrase after because of to indicate the cause of something.

Bài 2

Complete the sentences with because or because of.

(Hoàn thành câu với “because” hoặc “because of”)

1. My sister could not reach the destination on time _____ the terrible traffic jam.

2. The final test was so easy _____ Olive knew all the answer.

3. _____ the language barrier, my uncle and my aunt got divorced.

4. All flights to Đà Nẵng were cancelled _____ the harsh climate conditions.

5. _____ Tom’s laziness, he can’t get the high scores in the exam.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. My sister could not reach the destination on time because of the terrible traffic jam.

2. The final test was so easy because Olive knew all the answer.

3. Because of the language barrier, my uncle and my aunt got divorced.

4. All flights to Đà Nẵng were cancelled because of the harsh climate conditions.

5. Because of Tom’s laziness, he can’t get the high scores in the exam.

Bài 3

Rewrite the sentences.

(Viết lại câu.)

1. She couldn’t concentrate on her work because she was too tired.

Because of ____________________________________________.

2. My father didn’t finish the project because of the lack of necessary materials.

As ____________________________________________.

3. I couldn’t go to the party because of my late work.

Because ____________________________________________.

4. Mr Tuấn got a promotion because he worked hard.

Because of ____________________________________________.

5. Clare doesn’t feel pleased because of her low salary.

Since ____________________________________________.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. Because of her tiredness, she couldn’t concentrate on her work.

2. As my father didn’t have enough necessary materials, he didn’t finish the project.

3. Because I had to work late, I couldn’t go to the party.

4. Because of working hard, Mr Tuấn got a promotion.

5. Since Clare gets a low salary, she doesn’t feel pleased.

Bài 4


Complete the second parts of the sentences using adverbial clauses or phrase of reason.

(Hoàn thành phần thứ hai của câu bằng cách sử dụng mệnh đề trạng ngữ hoặc cụm từ chỉ lý do.)

1. Susan failed the university entrance exam _____.

2. The team won the championship _____.

3. I couldn’t attend the meeting _____.

4. Nam lost the opportunity at work _____.

5. The plane couldn’t take off on time _____.

Chia sẻ bởi: 👨 Trịnh Thị Thanh
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