Bài tập về các thì môn tiếng Anh lớp 8 Ôn tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 8 (Có đáp án)

Bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh lớp 8 gồm 9 trang được biên soạn với nhiều dạng bài tập có đáp án và tự luyện khác nhau ở nhiều mức độ.

Các dạng bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh giúp các em nắm vững kiến thức đã học trên lớp cũng như ôn luyện thêm các bài tập nâng cao, hỗ trợ quá trình tự học tiếng Anh hiệu quả để củng cố ngữ pháp tiếng Anh. Tài liệu được sắp xếp khoa học với nhiều mức độ khác nhau giúp học sinh đánh giá chính xác năng lực của mình. Bên cạnh đó các bạn xem thêm bài tập tiếng Anh về so sánh hơn và so sánh hơn nhất, bài tập về câu điều kiện trong tiếng Anh.

I. Bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh (Có đáp án)

Bài 1: Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in breakets.

1. She (not drink) ……….. coffee. She (drink) ……….milk.

2. It (be) ……………often hot in the summer.

3. What you (do) ……………………… every morning?

4. The earth (circle) ………….the sun once every 365 days.

5. I(see) …………. Her very often.

6. Vegetarians (not eat) ……………………………….. meat.

7. Bees (make) …………….. honey.

8. Rice(not grow) ……………… in cold climates.

Bài 2: Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in breakets.

1. Bad driving (cause) …………… many accidents.

2. Mai and Lan (see) ………………….. a movie tonight.

3. Mozart (wite) …………….. more than 600 pieces of music.

4. "How you (learn) ………………….. to drive?" – " My father (teach) …………….. me."

5. We usually (go) …. to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) …….twice

6. Alexander (introduce) ………….. the telephone in 1876.

7. Yesterday I (be) ………busy, so I (not have) ………… time to phone you.

8. Would you like (come) …………. To dinner tomrrow?

Bài 3: Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in breakets.

1. Lisa (not go) …………….to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well.

2. It (not rain) ………………….very much in summer.

3. Most people (learn) …………….to swim when they are child.

4. Listen to those people. What language they (talk) ……………………….. ?

5. The moon (go) ……… round the earth in about 27 days.

6. That bag looks heavy. I (help) ………….. you with it?

7. It’s her birthday. She (have) ………………….. a mealk with her friends.

8. The letter (come) …………………… a few days ago.

Bài 4: Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in breakets.

1. Lan’s teacher wants her(spend) ………………. more time on Math.

2. I promise I (try) ……………….. my best next semester.

3. Linh needs (improve) …………………….. her English writing.

4. They didn’t try (learn) ……………… all new words they (come) …………….. across.

5. You should (underline) …………….the words you want (learn) ……….. .

6. Can you help me (move) …………………………… this table?

7. Minh always (get) …… grade A for Physics, but last semester he (get) ……... So Minh’teacher asked him (study) …………………… harder this semester.

8. They were proud of (be) ……………… so successful.

9. He asked me (not wait) ……………………. For him.

10. You should (practice) …………….. your English moer often.

Bài 5: Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in breakets.

1. Stop (argue) ……………….. and start (work) ………………..

2. I like (think) …………. carefully about things before (make) ……………… a decision.

3. Ask him (come) ………….. in. Don’t keep him (stand) ………….. at the door.

4. Don’t forget (look) …………… the door before (go) …………….. to bed.

5. Did you succeed in (solve) ……..…the problem? Let me (suggest) ………..….. some solutions.

6. Does your jacket need (wash) ………………………..? – No. But you need(iron) ………..it.

7. I prefer (walk) …………………to (ride) …………………. .

8. Don’t try (persuade) ……………. ..me. Nothing can make me (change) ………….my mind.

9. It was a really good holiday. I really enjoyed (be) ………………… by the sea again.

10. I don’t mind (walk) …………………….home, but I’d rather (get) ……………….a taxi.

II. Đáp án bài tập về các thì trong tiếng Anh

Bài 1:

1. doesn’t drink …… drinks

2. is

3. do you do

4. circle

5. see

6. don’t eat

7. make

8. doesn’t grow

Bài 2:

1. causes

2. are going to see

3. wrote

4. did ... learn – taught

5. go – went

6. introduced

7. was – didn’t have

8. to come.

Bài 3:

1. didn’t go.

2. doesn’t rain.

3. learn

4. are they talking.

5. goes

6. will help

7. is having/ is going to have

8. came

Bài 4:

1. to spend

2. will try

3. to improve

4. to learn – came

5. underline – to learn

6. move

7. gets- got- to study

8. being

9. not to wait

10. practice

Bài 5:

1. arguing – to work

2. thinking – making

3. to come – standing

4. to look – going

5. solving – suggest

6. washing – to iron

7. walking – riding

8. to persuade- change

9. being

10. walking – get

III. Bài tập tự luyện về các thì trong tiếng Anh

Bài 1 Use the correct form of verbs in brackets.

1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach) __________above 8,000 meters.

2. He sometimes (come) __________ to see his parents.

3. When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago.

4. My grandfather never (fly) __________ in an airplane, and he has no intention of ever doing so.

5. We just (decide) __________ that we (undertake) ____________ the job.

6. He told me that he (take) __________ a trip to California the following week.

7. I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.

8. Right now I (attend) __________ class. Yesterday at this time I (attend) __________class.

9. Tomorrow I'm going to leave for home. When I (arrive) __________at the airport, Mary (wait) __________ for me.

10. Margaret was born in 1950. By last year, she (live) __________on this earth for 55 years .

11. The traffic was very heavy. By the time I (get) __________to Mary's party, everyone already (arrive) __________

12. I will graduate in June. I (see) __________ you in July. By the time I (see) __________ you , I (graduate) __________.

13. I (visit) __________ my uncle's home regularly when I (be) __________ a child.

14. That book (be) __________ on the table for weeks. You (not read) __________ it yet ?

15. David (wash) __________ his hands. He just (repair) __________ the TV set.

16. You (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my holidays here last year.

17. We never (meet) __________ him. We don't know what he (look) __________ like.

18. The car (be) __________ ready for him by the time he (come) __________tomorrow.

19. On arriving at home I (find) __________that she just (leave) __________a few minutes before.

20. When we (arrive) __________ in London tonight, it probably (rain) __________.

21. It (rain) __________ hard. We can't do anything until it (stop) __________

22. Last night we (watch) __________TV when the power (fail) __________.

23. That evening we (stay) __________up to talk about the town where he (live) __________for some years.

24. I (sit) __________down for a rest while the shoes (repair) __________.

25. Half way to the office Paul (turn) __________round and (go) __________back home because he (forget) __________to turn the gas off.

26. London (change) __________a lot since we first (come) __________ to live here.

27. While we (talk) __________on the phone the children (start) __________fighting and (break) __________a window

28. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) __________ in his life.

29. You know she (stand) __________looking at that picture for the last twenty minutes.

30. I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new job.

31. When we (be) __________ at school we all (study) __________Latin.

32. When I (meet) __________ him , he (work) __________as a waiter for a year.

33. After he (finish) __________ breakfast he (sit) __________down to write some letters.

34. She (have) __________a hard life, but she's always smiling.

35. I think Jim (be) __________ out of town.

Bài 2: Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B,C, or D ) that needs correcting

1. After Mrs. Wang had returned (A) to her house (B) from work (C), she was cooking (D) dinner.

2. Jimmy threw (A) the ball high (B) in the air, and Betty catching (C) it when (D) it came down.

3. Linda has worn (A) her new yellow (B) dress only once (C) since she buys (D) it.

4. Last week Mark told (A) me that he go (B)t very bored with his present job and is looking (C) for a new on (D)e.

5. Having (A) fed the dog, he was sat (B) down to (C) his own (D) meal.

6. When I turned on my computer, I was shocked (A) to find (B) some junk mail, and (C) I delete (D) it all.

7. They are going to have to (A) leave soon (B) and so do (C) we (D).

8. The boss laughed when the secretary has told (A) him that she really (B) needed (C) a pay (D) rise.

9. The telephone rang several times (A) and then (B) stop (C) before I could (D) answer it.

10. Debbie, whose father (A) is an excellent tennis player(B), has been (C) playing tennis since (D) ten years.

11. I have seen (A) lots(B) of interesting (C) places when I went (D) on holiday last summer.

12. When my cat heard (A) a noise in the bushes, she stopped moving (B) and listen (C) intently (D).

13. I think (A) it’s time you change (B) your way of (C) living (D).

14. Roger felt the outside (A) of his pocket to make (B) sure his (C) wallet is still (D) there.

15. When I’m shopping (A) in the supermarket, I ran into (B) an old friend who I hadn’t met (C) for (D) five years.

16. The police (A) arrested the man while (B) he is having (C) dinner in (D) a restaurant.

17. Peter and Wendy first (A) met in 2006 (B), and they are (C) married for three years now (D).

18. Some (A) people are believing (B) there is life on (C) other (D) planets.

19. Recently, the island of Hawaii (A) had been (B) the subject of intensive research (C) on the occurrence (D) of earthquakes.

20. Every morning, the sun shines (A) in my bedroom window (B) and waking (C) me up (D).

21. The man died as (A) a result of falling (B) asleep (C) while he drives (D).

22. I haven’t finished (A) the report yet (B),but by the time you return (C) I will certainly complete (D) it.

23. Caroline has worn (A) her new yellow (B) dress only once (C) since she buys (D) it.

24. We’ll be cycled (A) to Hoa’s village (B) at (C) this time next (D) Sunday.

25. What will (A) you do (B) when (C) your friends won’t come (D) ?

26. Someone was knocking (A) at the door (B) when I was doing (C) the washing up (D).

27. My friend didn’t drink (A) any (B) beer since we came (C) to live here (D).

28. We have written (A)to each other (B) when (C) we were (D) in primary school.

29. After (A) breakfast, I‘m gone (B) to walk to (C) school with (D) my friends.

30. Did (A) he go to (B) the pop concert next weekend (C) for a change (D)?

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