Đề thi học kì 2 môn tiếng Anh 11 Bright năm 2023 - 2024 Đề kiểm tra cuối kì 2 Tiếng Anh 11 Bright (Có đáp án)

Đề thi cuối kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Bright năm 2023 - 2024 mang đến đề kiểm tra học kì 2 có đáp án giải chi tiết kèm theo file nghe.

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Đề thi học kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 Bright




Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút; Không kể thời gian phát đề

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. mineral B. meditate C. arthritis D. limit

2. A. cyborg B. portion C. organise D. hologram

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.

3. A. technology B. monument C. employment D. equality

4. A. remove B. maintain C. treadmill D. consume

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.

5. Visitors _________enter the operating room.

A. must
B. have to
C. mustn’t
D. don’t have to

6. I think I think flying cars ___________a common mode of transportation in cities in the future.

A. will become
B. becomes
C. becoming
D. is going to become

7. He has some difficulty ___________people when they speak softly.

A. heard
B. hearing
C. to hear
D. hears

8. ….…….. the bottles, Mike poured the drinks for everyone.

A. To open
B. to have opened
C. being opened
D. having opened

9. Look at those loose solar panels! They _________ off the roof.

A. will fall
B. fall
C. are going to fall
D. will be fall

Read the following advertisement/ school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15.

🌿 Unlock the Healing Power of Nature!🌿

Ready to explore the world of natural healing?

Join our club and learn about the benefits of herbal remedies, essential oils, and DIY treatments (10)______ common ailments.

Connect with like-minded peers and (11) __________ yourself with the knowledge to promote wellness in your life and community. Don't miss (12) _________on this opportunity to discover the magic of natural healing! Sign up today!

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

Meeting Location: Room 210, Main Building

10. A. by B. for C. of D. to

11. A. empowerment B. empowering C. empowered D. empower

12. A. out B. up C. with D. Ø (no preposition)

Make a Difference Today!

Calling all compassionate hearts!

Join our School Fund Club and make a meaningful impact on the lives of less (13) ________students. By contributing to our fund, you'll provide essential support for those (14)_______need, ensuring access to education and resources. Together, we can empower every student to thrive.

We look forward (15) ___________you to our Club!

Contact Information:

· Email: [email protected]

· Meeting Location: Auditorium, Every Friday

13. A. unfortunately B. fortunately C. unfortunate D. fortunate

14. A. in B. on C. are D. by

15. A. welcoming B. to welcome C. to welcoming D. welcome

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph in each of the following questions.

Question 16:

a. One solution is to teach people about healthy habits, like eating fruits and vegetables and washing hands.

b. Fighting disease in modern society is crucial. One of the main causes is unhealthy lifestyles, such as poor diet and lack of exercise.

c. To conclude, by teaching people to be healthy and having good medical care, we can fight disease and keep everyone healthier.

d. Another reason is the ease of spreading diseases due to crowded cities and global travel.

e. Another solution is improving access to healthcare, including vaccinations and treatments.

A. b-d-c-e-a
B. e-d-b-e-a
C. b-d-a-e-c
D. b-a-d-e-c

Question 17:

A. Another thing you could do is to engage in regular physical activities such as walking, jogging, or dancing.

B, Best regards,

C, I hope these suggestions help you feel better and lead a healthier lifestyle. Take care, and remember, I'm here if you need any further assistance.

D, Dear Mary, it was great hearing from you. I was sad to hear that you've been feeling unwell lately.

E, It's essential to take care of our health, and I'm here to offer you some advice.

F. It would be a good idea to focus on maintaining a balanced diet incorporating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

A. f-a-e-b-d-c
B. d-a-e-b-f-c
C. b-f-d-c-e-a
D. d-e-f-a-c-b

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks 18 to 23.

Smart cities are now becoming a reality in numerous urban centres across the globe. From Dubai, Singapore, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Madrid to Southampton in the UK, we’re already beginning to see smart cities provide inhabitants (18)_____________, easier mobility and cleaner, safer environments, by using cloud computing to power services. But as with all public sector initiatives, smart city services need (19)___________ as cost effectively as possible to minimise the taxpayer burden. Often, (20) ___________when it comes to deploying smart services, preventing smart cities initiatives from reaching their full potential – or worse, blocking them altogether.

Central to the functioning of most ‘normal’ city ecosystems (21)______________ . Regardless as to whether that data is stored on local servers or using cloud storage, when that data is fragmented or incomplete, identifying emerging trends for strategic planning and cost reduction becomes extremely difficult – and because of this, authorities (22) ___________adopt an entirely reactive approach.

Conversely, in a smart city environment, connected sensors forming an Internet of Things (IoT) provide valuable data for analysis and, in turn, insight into the specific city’s behavioural trends. With this level of information, services can be optimised (23)___________costs and risk, increase urban flows and manage assets. Importantly, they can also provide real-time connections and interactions between the city’s businesses, local governments, service providers and citizens.

18. A. for improved living conditions
B. with improved living conditions
C. about improved living conditions
D. on improved living conditions

19. A. be delivered
B. to deliver
C. is delivered
D. to be delivered

20. A. key decision makers is met with obstacles
B. key decision maker are met with obstacles
C. key decision makers are met with obstacles
D. key makers decision are met with obstacles

21. A. are the underlying data they run on
B. is data the underlying they run on
C. are data the underlying they run on
D. is the underlying data they run on

22. A. have to
B. has to
C. mustn’t
D. had to

23. A. reducing
B. to reduce
C. reduced
D. reduce

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.

Aside from the ability to delay normal cognitive decline as we age, there are significant social benefits to lifelong learning. Habitual learners are more likely to put themselves (24) _______ new and challenging social situations throughout life. (25) ________, we often develop connections with other people who have knowledge we would like to learn, or who are equally interested in learning about a new topic.

Viewing socialization through the (26) ________lens yields corresponding results: we are (27) __________participate in social engagements as older adults when we are lifetime learners, probably due to the (28) ________ self-esteem that comes with the achievement of a task. Science has shown that aging adults who have strong social connections live longer, and lifetime learning is an ideal way to build those support networks.

Question 24: A. at B. by C. of D. into

Question 25 A. For instance B. Therefore C. As a result D. Because

Question 26 A. educational B. education C. educate D. educated

Question 27 A. more likely at B. more likely in C. much likely for D. more likely to

Question 28: A. increase B. increased C. increasingly D. increases

Read the following passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 29 to 33.

Working on the computer is very tough on your body, which is not used to this modern type of work. Sitting has long been known to cause back pain and negatively influence circulation, which can promote cardiovascular disease. Extensive use of the keyboard and mouse can lead to stiffening of the muscles in your hands, arms, and neck, as well as inflammation and injuries. Staring at a bright screen for too long can cause dry eyes and headaches. Finally, computer work can be stressful, isolating, and lead to depression and anxiety. In other words, working on the computer is as unhealthy a job as you can imagine.

First and foremost, sitting for long stretches of time is a very serious health risk! Sitting affects your blood circulation, your back experiences a steady stress, you are more likely to drink and eat stuff that isn’t good for you, and you burn very little calories, making it more likely that you overeat. As a result, sitting contributes to a host of conditions, most notably gaining weight, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and consequently a shortened life span.

Second, bad posture causes pain. You can develop bad posture from anything you do habitually, whether it’s sitting, standing, or walking. Your daily activities have an impact on your body and shape your muscles; they either tighten or become weak. The typical consequences associated with bad posture while working on the computer are pain in the back, shoulder, and neck, often resulting in tension headaches.

Third, staring at the screen causes eye strain. Staring at a bright screen for hours can lead to eye fatigue or eye strain, headaches, blurred vision, burning, itching or tearing eyes, and temporary vision disorders. Fortunately, eye strain rarely results in a permanent condition and symptoms can be prevented or cured rather easily.

Last, but not least, emotional pressure and isolation cause anxiety and depression. Computers are very efficient tools in that they help us with getting more work done in less time. At the same time, you spend less face-to-face time with your colleagues, family, or friends. This can lead to isolation, anxiety, and depression, i.e. both physical and mental health issues. The symptoms are manifold and can include tense muscles, back pain, headaches, poor sleep (insomnia), increased or flat breathing, quickened pulse, and generally signs of stress, depression, or anxiety.

Question 29: According to the passage, human body is NOT________working on the computer.

A. adaptive to
B. familiar with
C. successful in
D. capable of

Question 30: The word “cardiovascular" in paragraph 1 means connected with _________.

A. the limbs and their muscles
B. the brain and the nerve system
C. the heart and the blood vessels
D. the lungs and the breathing organs

Question 31: What is NOT mentioned as a cause of health issues related to working on the computer?

A. Working from home
B. Lacking direct human contacts
C. Sitting for a long time
D. Looking at the screen for hours

Question 32: Which of the followings can best replace the word "eye strain" in paragraph 4?

A. Eye disease
B. Eye fatigue
C. Eye stress
D. Eye trouble

Question 33: It can be inferred from the passage that emotional and physical issues are _________.

A. easy to cure
B. permanent
C. pressing
D. inseparable

Read the following passages and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40.

Children’s behaviour has worsened over the past five years, according to a survey of teachers which found that a fifth thought girls were more likely to cause trouble than boys. The survey, published after teachers at a Lancashire school went on strike over discipline, found low-level disruption, including chatting and “horsing around”, was the biggest problem. Boys were more likely to be physically aggressive while girls tended to ostracise other pupils. The behaviour of boys was more of a challenge than that of girls but the actions of each sex had deteriorated, according to 56.5% of staff surveyed by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).

Among male pupils the most challenging behaviour for teachers was physical aggression, such as pushing, spitting, kicking and hitting. A secondary teacher quoted in the survey said boys were usually aggressive with other pupils, while girls tended to call one another names. Teachers criticised a lack of role models in the home. A primary teacher said: “The boys are far more willing to be aggressive to adults, verbally and even physically. There don’t seem to be any parental boundaries set of what is an appropriate way to speak and deal with another adult.” Teachers at Darwen Vale high school, Lancashire, walked out over unruly pupil behaviour this month. They said children challenged them to fights and threatened to film lessons and post them online. The survey of more than 850 teachers, heads and other school staff found that more than 21% thought girls’ behaviour was more challenging than boys, compared with 68% who said male pupils caused more trouble. In schools that have excluded pupils, 57% said more boys and 5% said more girls had been excluded.

A department head in a primary school told the survey, carried out in March, that “classes with a majority of boys tend to be louder, less co-operative and harder to teach”. Nearly half of the staff surveyed said boys’ bravado was behind their disruption. For girls, the most likely trigger was a break-up between friends. A primary school teacher from Bedfordshire said: "Boys are generally more physical and their behaviour is more noticeable. Girls often say nasty things, which end up disrupting the lesson just as much as the boys, as other children get upset and can’t focus on their work. They are usually the ones who refuse to comply with instructions." Some staff had noticed girls’ behaviour worsening.” A teaching assistant from Weston-super-Mare said: “Girls are definitely getting more violent, with gangs of girls in school who are getting worse than the gangs of boys.” The ATL annual conference in Liverpool on Monday is due to debate a motion expressing concern at increasing numbers of girls being excluded from secondary school.

Government figures for 2008-9 showed that boys represented 78% of the total number of permanent exclusions from schools in England. This proportion was unchanged from the year before. The ATL general secretary, Mary Bousted, said: "Staff get ground down daily by the chatting and messing around, which disrupts lessons for other pupils and takes the pleasure out of teaching. Even more worrying is the physical aggression, most often among boys but also among some girls, which puts other pupils and staff at risk. Schools need to have firm and consistent discipline policies and work with parents to keep schools and colleges safe places for pupils and staff alike." The education bill, now going through the Commons, will give teachers the right to search pupils for banned items and will remove the requirement to give parents a day’s notice of detention. The education secretary, Michael Gove, said the measures in the bill would “restore discipline” in the classroom.

(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/)

Question 34: What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The behavior of children is getting deteriorating.
B. The changes in attitude of modern teenagers are more dramatic.
C. Children nowadays are meeting more troubles at school.
D. The differences in behavior of schoolboys and schoolgirls are greater.

Question 35: The word “ostracise” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______________.

A. exclude
B. include
C. welcome
D. make acquaintance

Question 36: Which of the following is NOT true about the schoolboys in paragraph 2?

A. They tend to use violence to solve the conflicts with others.
B. They sometimes threaten or challenge even their teachers at school.
C. They are only obedient to their parents at home.
D. They are said to have been rejected from school more than girls.

Question 37: According to paragraph 3, female pupils are described that _____________.

A. they are becoming more and more disruptive.
B. they often make other students in class neglect the lessons.
C. their activities are not so bad as those of male pupils.
D. they often use physical aggression before isolating a friend.

Question 38: What could the word “comply” in paragraph 3 best be replaced by?

A. confirm
B. continue
C. consider
D. conform

Question 39: The word “which” in the last paragraph refers to _____________.

A. the physical aggression among boys and girls
B. the disruption of the lessons
C. the pleasure from teaching
D. the chatting and messing around of the staff of the school

Question 40: It can be inferred from the passage that _________________.

A. Bad behavior of children prevents them from making friends with other students.
B. The worse the children’s behavior becomes, the more education quality will decrease.
C. Teachers are tired of teaching the class with aggressive students.
D. Girls’ behavior is more dangerous than boys.

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